Robbie is now up to 5lb 7 oz. He was on a good roll until this week. He only gained an ounce in 4 days. Ideally, we'd see closer to an ounce every day, with a minimum of a half ounce per day.
The slowed growth won him an added bottle of fortified milk per day. Basically we add powdered formula to a bottle of breast milk to increase it from 20 calories/ounce to 24 calories. We just hope it works!
Here are some recent photos:
Best Possible Surgery
8 years ago
i LOVE that last pic!! what a doll! that smile is priceless. (and why are you not sleeping if he is lol j/k)
He is sooo cute!!! I especially like the last pic. :)
I am so glad to see that Robbie is doing so well. I am sorry it took me so long to check his website. He is getting so big and looks like he is getting lots of love and attention. I was sad that I didn't get to see you guys before you left. But I know you were ready to get home. I wish you nothing but the best. Take care.
Carrie (one of his many nurses at St. John's NICU)My e-mail is
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